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Job Openings

One of the most mysterious, misunderstood, and also flawed parts of the disability determination process is the vocational assessment. When people come out of an appeal hearing in front of an administrative law judge the first question to their attorney is usually how did it go or how did I do. The second question is very often who was the person what were they saying and they said I could do what? They are referring to the vocational rehabilitation specialist who testifies at each hearing. The following are jobs that a vocational expert said a client of mine could do and that there were many many people working in these positions throughout Pennsylvania and the country. Just read them and you know some of the problem with the system. In another post I will explain the lofty, well-thought out and well reasoned goals that are part of the law and the disability determination system. In many ways though it has gone horribly horribly wrong and is a joke. Social Security has been working on a new system for more than ten years now. Let's hope it comes sooner rather than later.

In the meantime for many people if you are severely disabled, Social Security says you should be able to easily find places that are hiring for the following positions and even with your disabilities you should have no problems performing the duties of the jobs. So start pounding the pavement.

249.587-014 CUTTER-AND-PASTER, PRESS CLIPPINGS (business ser.) alternate titles: tearer, press clipping; trimmer, press clippings Tears or cuts out marked articles or advertisements from newspapers and magazines, using knife or scissors. Records name of publication, page and location, date, and name of customer on label, and affixes label to clipping. GOE: 07.07.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

669.687-014 DOWEL INSPECTOR (woodworking) Inspects dowel pins for flaws, such as square ends, knots, or splits, and discards defective dowels. GOE: 06.03.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

559.687-014 AMPOULE SEALER (pharmaceutics.) Seals ampoules filled with liquid drug products, preparatory to packaging: Rotates neck of ampoule in flame of Bunsen burner to melt glass. Grips tip of ampoule, using tweezers, and draws tip away from neck to seal ampoule as glass hardens. Places sealed ampoule in basket for sterilization and inspection. May hold unsealed ampoule against jet of inert gas to displace air. May immerse sealed ampoules in dye bath to test for leaks. May tend machines that steam-wash and fill ampoules. GOE: 06.04.34 STRENGTH: S GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

This is sworn to court testimony made by experts and accepted as truth on its face thousands of times a day across this country. No further comment is needed.

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